Reviews of "Benedicam Dominum "
30. 5. 2006
So does the singing of the fine vocal ensemble Josquin Capella, a group of eight excellent and well-balanced voices who really know each other--that is, they know the meaning of "ensemble"--and the stylistic demands of the music and the genre. Two highlights are the disc's two longest pieces--Erzürne dich nicht (Psalm 37) and Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore (Psalm 34)--which together show both the choir and composer's best stuff, including lovely vocal phrasing and interpretive sensitivity (especially the alternating female- and male-voice sections in Psalm 34) and Stoltzer's most refined polyphonic writing. The sound is ideal.
Diapason 09/2006 (diapason d’or)
La Josquin Capella est tout simplement exceptionelle. Ses huit chanteurs ne cèdent jamais à la monotonie : voix de femmes et voix d’hommes s’enrichissent les unes les autres. Dirigés d’une main expert, les chanteurs experiment chacune des tournures d’écriture, chaque merveille de prosodie, en latin comme en allemand, avec élégance et conviction. La pris des son, parfait, couronne une realisation de premier plan. Plus qu’une revelation pur Stoltzer : une consecration. (Philippe Vendrix)
Ensemble, intonation and phrasing are close to unimpeachable, and one would not like to force such a pleasing collective “instrument”. Given that Stoltzer’s music speaks here so eloquently, it would be churlish to give this less than a full and confident recommendation.